Year Level: 9

Year Level: 9 Description
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Resources available within this category
Human rights cards

This is a template of human rights cards which can be used for a number of different activities.

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Key articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This presentation outlines the key articles of the 1948 universal declaration, and how they have informed the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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Online participation

A Secondary social studies activity themed on media in the global human rights arena. Aimed at raising student awareness about the implications of the Internet and access to information world-wide, developing imagination and critical thinking skills and promoting justice and respect for others while working to promote human rights issues. Curriculum values of 'innovation, inquiry and curiosity - pokirehau/whakamatemate' and 'participating and contributing – porihanga' are emphasised in this activity, as well as the key competencies 'thinking' and 'using language, symbols and texts', by using ICT to access and provide information and to communicate with others.

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Oxfam Education GB

This link takes you to the Oxfam Education GB website, where you can access human rights resources and lesson plans for ages 5 to 16+. It also includes a number of global citizenship classroom activities.
Play the Game

A secondary social studies activity to develop insights into how to identify problems and their roots, develop conflict resolution skills, promote participation, co-operation and respect for others and to become familiar with government mechanisms for resolving conflict. Curriculum values of 'excellence – hiranga' and 'participating and contributing - porihanga' are encouraged through teaching students how to persevere in the face of difficulties and resolve conflict through co-operation. The key competency 'relating to others' is also addressed as pupils interact effectively with a diverse range of people by negotiating.

Social inquiry overview - Development of human rights

A template for understanding human rights through a social inquiry approach.

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Social inquiry overview - Parihaka

A template for understanding Parihaka through a social inquiry approach.

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Taking the human rights temperature of your school

A whole school activity which is crucial to development as a rights respecting community. This activity will have students and teachers alike examining thoughtfully and critically the human rights climate at their school and making connections between the need for a safe school environment and international standards of human rights. Curriculum values of 'integrity - Ngãkau/tapatahi' and 'Respect - Manaaki/ãwhi' are encouraged by making all members of the school community equally accountable for the protection of human rights. (Part of the HRiE School Resource Kit)

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Teach with movies

Teach with movies is a website which outlines a selection of human rights themed movies for teachers, for each movie teachers are also able to access a number of related lesson plans. The movies are also clearly labelled with the appropriate age rating.
What if?

A Secondary activity exploring the social sciences strands 'Place and Environment' – how people interact with their environment and 'Continuity and Change' – predicting future impact based on people’s past interactions. Themed on the indivisibility of human rights, students are required to consider the impact and interdependence of rights, understand cause and effect and consider rights in our daily life during this activity.

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