
Human Rights in Education is an open collaborative initiative. It depends on the contributions of a wide range of individuals in schools, centres, other education agencies and centres.

You can contribute to the Initiative by

  • Knowing, promoting and living human rights and responsibilities in your education community
  • Developing your classroom or school/centre as a community that knows, promotes and lives human rights and responsibilities
  • Helping the development of the national initiative by sharing your ideas, resources and experiences
  • Helping with the promotion and implementation of human rights-based education in New Zealand through the Facilitation Team or an Initiative Project.
  • Internships and volunteer positions are also available in our HRiE Trust office.  If you are a person with an interest in human rights and education and would like some valuable work experience in a non-governmental organisation, there are a number of possible roles within HRiE for which you could apply. 

    Register your interest here

Last Updated (Wednesday, 14 May 2014 16:02)