Year Level: 8

Year Level: 8 Description
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Resources available within this category
Teach with movies

Teach with movies is a website which outlines a selection of human rights themed movies for teachers, for each movie teachers are also able to access a number of related lesson plans. The movies are also clearly labelled with the appropriate age rating.
Top 10 UNICEF cartoons

This link takes you to UNICEF's top 10 cartoons relating to the Rights of the Child. Most of these cartoons are suitable for all ages.

This link takes you to the UNICEF Canada website, on this site you are able to access classroom activities on human rights for various ages. This site also contains resources such as maps, information on the United Nations and statistics and data relating to human rights. There are a number of links to other websites also available.
UNICEF cartoons

This link takes you to a UNICEF website which contains a list of cartoons for children explaining the Rights of the Child.
What are children's rights?

An upper Primary or Intermediate activity teaching children that as young people they are afforded special rights and concurrent responsibilities. This activity will empower children in the knowledge that an internationally recognised set of rights affirm their citizenship in the here and now. Meeting curriculum achievement objectives, children learn how people make choices to meet their needs and wants (Level 2 Social Studies), as well as how groups make and implement rules and laws (Level 3 Social Studies).

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What does a child need?

A Primary or Intermediate activity predominantly for the Arts and social sciences. Aiming to increase children’s awareness of the international rights framework which details their individual rights and responsibilities. Children will learn to understand that people have different roles and responsibilities as part of their participation in groups (level 1 social studies), understand how people make choices to meet their needs and wants (level 2 Social Studies) and understand how groups make and implement rules and laws (level 3 social studies).

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