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Human Rights in Education is an open collaborative Initiative. It depends on the contributions of educators prepared to share their ideas, resources and experiences.

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National implementation workshop for school leaders

National implementation workshop for school leaders

A framework for many existing school practices

Participants in a national workshop 2-3 October 2008 saw great potential for human rights and responsibilities to be a framework for many existing practices in their schools.

Principals and staff from three schools were exploring how participation in the Human Rights in Education Initiative can add value by tying together areas such as curriculum, discipline and school culture, and sharing ideas for full implementation in their schools in 2009.

“Currently our culture/ethos is not based on anything in particular. We need to have a concrete framework to base things on, so when issues arise we can say let’s go back to our foundation principles. It will guide us in our future development as well,” said one principal.“We have a multitude of ‘programmes’ which are effective… but this will tie them together more powerfully,” said another participant.At the two day workshop members of the HRiE Facilitation Team introduced strategy map and balanced scorecard methodology – shown to lift corporate performance and increasingly used by school boards in the USA and UK – as a possible implementation tool for human rights-based education.

Last Updated (Wednesday, 18 March 2009 08:49)