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Implementing human rights-based education

Implementing human rights-based education

‘A healthy school climate as a firm foundation upon which to build learning’
‘Good citizens, a school where everyone respects each other, a community that understands what rights and responsibilities mean’

These are two of the hopes principals have expressed for human rights-based education in a recent HRiE survey.

As part of their school journey as a human rights-based learning community principals have reported the development of human rights-linked class charters, school presentations and posters on human rights themes, establishment of special implementation teams and explicit reference to human rights in restorative approaches to managing behaviour.

Paul Potaka has noticed a number of changes over the three years Nelson Central School has been a partner in Human Rights in Education: ‘Warmer teacher-student relationships; appreciation by the community that we are dealing with important big picture issues; increased awareness of human rights issues amongst children.’ Last Updated (Monday, 19 December 2011 13:06)