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Australian Human Rights Commission

This link takes you to the Australian Human Rights Commission website, where you can access human rights activities for the classroom. These activities are suitable for a wide range of age groups.
Between You and Me

A Secondary social studies activity exploring attributes of identity – private, public, and shared. Students are taught how to be aware of their own individuality and that of others, to identify what they have in common with others and to promote respect for diversity.

Children's Commissioner for Wales

The Children's Commissioner for Wales website offers a simple, easy online game for young children outlining the Rights of the Child. As children explore a community map they must collect all of their rights by clicking on everyday objects, once they have collected all of the rights in one section they are able to move to the next section of the map.
Compasito 4.01 A Body of Knowledge

An activity aiding learning abilities and highlighting disability as an educational issue. Particularly suitable for young children. (Part of Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook)

Download as PDF 275 KB

Compasito 4.05 Blindfolded

An activity suitable for students Years 2-4 which increases understanding of the needs and rights of children with disabilities. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook)

(Download as PDF 252KB)

Compasito 4.07 Boys don't cry

An activity confronting students with gender stereotypes e.g.  "boys don't cry" or "a girl cannot be the boss". Through discussion and creating group sketches students compare their findings with personal experience and previous behaviour towards such stereotypes.(Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook)

(Download as PDF 335KB)

Compasito 4.29 Take a step forward (Years 6-8)

This activity, which is suitable for Years 6-8, encourages students to think about inequalities. By role-playing the situations of other children, students become aware of the disparities in access to human rights and the subsequent feelings. (Part of the  Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 572KB)

Compasito 4.33 We are family

In this activity children discuss what it means to have a family and how families differ for different people. Tolerance and awareness that people can be brought up different family structures is central to this activity. (Part of the  Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 222KB)

Compasito 4.35 What I like and what I do

This activity  focuses on gender stereotypes. Students discuss what they like and what they don't like in relation to what people think is 'appropriate' or 'inappropriate' for their gender. They are then able to discuss these stereotypes and relate them to human rights.  (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 230KB)

Compasito 4.38 Who's behind me?

In this activity students begin to understand the impact of stereotypes and labelling of both individuals and groups within society. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 260KB)

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