Relating to Others

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Australian Human Rights Commission

This link takes you to the Australian Human Rights Commission website, where you can access human rights activities for the classroom. These activities are suitable for a wide range of age groups.
Between You and Me

A Secondary social studies activity exploring attributes of identity – private, public, and shared. Students are taught how to be aware of their own individuality and that of others, to identify what they have in common with others and to promote respect for diversity.

Classroom Responsibilities

This activity emphasises the essential connection between rights and responsibilities.

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Compasito 4.05 Blindfolded

An activity suitable for students Years 2-4 which increases understanding of the needs and rights of children with disabilities. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook)

(Download as PDF 252KB)

Compasito 4.07 Boys don't cry

An activity confronting students with gender stereotypes e.g.  "boys don't cry" or "a girl cannot be the boss". Through discussion and creating group sketches students compare their findings with personal experience and previous behaviour towards such stereotypes.(Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook)

(Download as PDF 335KB)

Compasito 4.08 Bullying Scenes

An easily adaptable activity for Year 3-9 students deepening student understanding of bullying. Possible strategic actions against bullying will be discussed as well as support options children have if they find themselves being bullied. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook)

(Download as PDF 422 KB)

Compasito 4.09 Capture the Castle

This activity adaptable for students in Years 4-8 is an active adventure game. Students learn to co-operate with one another, exploring themes of peace, human security and conflict resolution. Emotions of conflict are addressed and strategic thinking employed. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 375 KB)

Compasito 4.11 Cookie Monster

An activity suitable for children in Years 4-8 involving negotiation and discussions. Students negotiate the sharing of eatable snacks amongst each other leading to discussions on issues of equal rights and poverty (part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 394KB)

Compasito 4.12 Dear Diary

An activity involving story telling and discussion, adaptable for students in Years 4-9. Children read three different accounts of the same experience and discuss mistaken judgments about people. The activity aims to enhance empathy and understanding of the subjectivity of individual experience for children - and incorporates broader themes of health and welfare, poverty and social exclusion (part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 434 KB)


Compasito 4.19 Once upon a time

This activity allows children to reflect on stereotypes about gender. A fairytale/story is told, in which the characters' sexes are reversed. Children will notice this as unusual and this should lead to a discussion about stereotypical gender roles and how children agree or disagree with them. Suitable for Years 3-9. (Part of the  Compasito Human Rights Education).

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