Using Language, Symbols and Text

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Compasito 4.26 Rights mobile

This creative activity allows children to discuss which rights are most important to them and by displaying them on a mobile they are able to see which rights are important to other children. This can lead to a discussion about why people regard different rights as more important, allowing students to think about rights from different points of view. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito 4.30 The Battle for the orange

In this activity two teams compete to get the orange. However initially neither team knows that they want different parts of the orange, one team wants the juice the other needs the peel. After 3 minutes both teams have the possibility to discuss how they have handled the situation. This activity focuses on negotiation and conflict resolution skills. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito 4.36 What if the world were flat?

This activity takes a "what if...?" perspective and introduces children to the "effect cascade". Thinking about a change in their life (for example no longer being able to go to school), they have to think about the implications that this change would have (for example not being able to read or write). (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito 4.38 Who's behind me?

In this activity students begin to understand the impact of stereotypes and labelling of both individuals and groups within society. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito 4.40 Words that wound

This activity deals with the freedom of expression and its limits. Children look at hurtful language, the effect it has on people and why some people choose to use it. Suitable for Years 6-9.  (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito 4.41 World summer camp

For this activity students choose from a list of fictive children with whom they would like to spend the night with in a small tent. This prioritizing activity leads to a discussion about discrimination and stereotypes. Suitable for Years 4-9. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook

Compasito will provide you with ideas, inspiration and practical help to explore human rights with children. Designed by the Council of Europe and thoroughly tested internationally Compasito includes various rights-based classroom activities suitable for Years 1-10 students. Follow this link to access a list of classroom activities.

Compass - Access to medicaments

This activity is based on a case, which came before the South African high court in 2001. In the activity, students weigh both sides of the trial: the right to property of the Pharmacia Companies and the right to life in health and dignity of the people living in the fear of AIDS. (Part of the Compass HRE manual)

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Compass - Act it out

This activity leads students through dramatisation of a concept of human rights. This creative activity develops cooperation and communication skills while finding different ways of representing their perceptions of human rights. (Part of the Compass HRE manual)

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Compass - All equal, All different

In this activity, students have to date two texts and to guess who the authors were and where they lived. The subsequent discussions are about the equality of people and the right to non-discrimination, the right to rights and freedom without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, religion, etc.. (Part of the Compass HRE manual)

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