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Australian Human Rights Commission

This link takes you to the Australian Human Rights Commission website, where you can access human rights activities for the classroom. These activities are suitable for a wide range of age groups.
Classroom Responsibilities

This activity emphasises the essential connection between rights and responsibilities.

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Compasito 4.02 A constitution for our group

Children develop a group ‘constitution’ stating their rights and responsibilities. Through designing rules for their own group, students learn about democracy, citizenship and how to reach a group consensus for the common good. Suitable for Years 5-9 students. (Part of Compasito Human Rights Handbook).

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Compasito 4.05 Blindfolded

An activity suitable for students Years 2-4 which increases understanding of the needs and rights of children with disabilities. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook)

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Compasito 4.09 Capture the Castle

This activity adaptable for students in Years 4-8 is an active adventure game. Students learn to co-operate with one another, exploring themes of peace, human security and conflict resolution. Emotions of conflict are addressed and strategic thinking employed. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito 4.16 Modern Fairytale

This activity introduces children to the life of Siwa, a child who has been traded into slavery. Speaking about child labour and modern-day slavery allows students to reflect on the rights of children, discrimination and other cases of violence against children. Suitable for students Year 4-9. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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Compasito 4.18 My universe of rights

In this artistic activity (part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook) children must relate needs they have, to be happy and become capable adults to human rights. After analysing what they need they are able to link these needs to rights in the declaration and the convention.

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Compasito 4.20 Picture games

In this activity children explore pictures from a human rights perspective looking at stereotypes, different perspectives and how pictures inform or misinform. This raises awareness of human rights issues in everyday life and helps develop 'visual literacy', listening and communication skills. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 371KB)

Compasito 4.24 Rabbit's rights

This activity aims to show children that they are instinctively aware of  children's rights. By looking at the rights of a pet rabbit they are able to draw similarities between what is needed to be happy and which rights need to be met to create this happiness. (Part of the Comapsito Human Rights Education Handbook).

(Download as PDF 340KB)

Compasito 4.27 Sailing to a new Land

In this activity students imagine that they are sailing to a new world. In their luggage they have both wants and needs cards. Over the course of their journey they must throw away non-essential cards for their new life. This allows children to establish an understanding about the difference between wants and needs. Suitable for Years 4-9. (Part of the Compasito Human Rights Education Handbook).

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