The Facilitation Team
The Facilitation Team is the national team supporting and coordinating the Human Rights in Education Initiative. The team is responsible for articulating the ‘Core’ of the Initiative (overall aims, principles and guidelines), mediating conflicts, suggesting project goals, and generally providing a forum for the adjudication of issues of concern to the overall Initiative.
Members are appointed by the Director, who is accountable to the
Human Rights in Education Trustees for developing and implementing the national
Human Rights in Education strategy.
Ced Simpson

Ced Simpson is the Director of the Human Rights in Education Trust – established to develop human rights-based education in New Zealand – and one of our facilitators working with schools and centres. He has had careers in both education and human rights. He taught for ten years (mainly psychology and sociology) at senior secondary level in Tasmania, and was involved in development of school strategy, curriculum and assessment. Over two decades he held senior leadership positions in Amnesty International in New Zealand, Australia, and at the international level where he was responsible for Amnesty’s global programme of development of human rights awareness, education and campaigning. He is a member of the New Zealand Educational and Administration Leadership Society and the Australian College of Educators.
Lynn Scott

Lynn Scott is one of HRiE's facilitators, working with schools. She has had a long career in secondary and tertiary education, including being principal of a secondary school, deputy principal of a college of education, and project director for education projects in the Pacific. She currently coordinates the Peace Foundation's Schools Outreach and Cool Schools Peer Mediation programme in the Wellington region.
Last Updated (Tuesday, 26 June 2012 13:44)